If you want to start an online business selling products you are making, chances are you already started reading places where you can sell the fruits of your labor. When starting in eCommerce for a small business, you need to keep in mind that there are already platforms that might help you get your name out there. For that matter, it is important to use them to your advantage. And when starting, after creating your website and social media, you need to use these online marketplaces for small creators in order to get your business and products known. But how do you choose the best platform to sell your diy products? Here's a list of the best eCommerce platforms for small creators.


If you're a crafter, artist, or maker, you may be wondering if selling your handmade items on Etsy is right for you. Etsy is a huge marketplace for handmade and vintage items, and it's a great way to get your products in front of a large audience. But there are also some downsides to selling on Etsy that you should be aware of before you get started.


  1. You'll reach a huge audience. Etsy has millions of users, so you'll have a lot of potential customers for your products.
  2. It's easy to set up and manage your shop. Etsy's platform is user-friendly and easy to navigate, so you can get your shop up and running quickly.
  3. You'll have access to powerful tools to help you market and promote your products. Etsy provides users with tools to help them market their shops and products, so you'll be able to reach more customers.
  4. You'll get exposure to new markets. When you sell on Etsy, your products will be exposed to buyers from all over the world.
  5. You'll be able to build a brand. Selling on Etsy will give you the opportunity to build a recognizable brand for your handmade products.


  1. You'll face a lot of competition. With millions of users and thousands of shops, you'll be competing with a lot of other sellers for buyers attention.
  2. You may have to lower your prices. Because of the competition on Etsy, you may need to lower your prices in order to attract buyers.
  3. Etsy takes a percentage of your sales. Etsy charges a 3.5% transaction fee and a $0.20 listing fee for each item you sell, so you'll need to factor these costs into your prices.
  4. You'll need to invest time in marketing and promotion. In order to be successful on Etsy, you'll need to put time into marketing and promoting your products.
  5. You may need to deal with customer service issues. As with any business, you may need to deal with occasional customer service issues.

Overall, selling on Etsy can be a great way to reach a huge audience for your handmade products. However, there are also some downsides to selling on Etsy that you should be aware of before getting started.

Amazon Handmade

When you are a small business owner, every sale counts. You may be wondering if it is worth your time and effort to sell your handmade items on Amazon Handmade. Here is a look at the advantages and disadvantages of using this online marketplace.


  1. Amazon is a trusted and well-known online retailer. This can give your handmade business a boost in credibility.
  2. You will have access to Amazon's large customer base. This can help you to increase your sales and reach a wider audience.
  3. You can take advantage of Amazon's fulfillment services. This can save you time and money on shipping and handling
  4. You can list your items for sale on Amazon Handmade for free.


  1. You will be competing with other small businesses and individual sellers who are selling similar products.
  2. Amazon takes a percentage of each sale as a commission.
  3. You will be responsible for shipping your products to Amazon warehouses.
  4. You may need to invest in some packaging supplies to meet Amazon's requirements.

Overall, selling your handmade items on Amazon Handmade can be a great way to reach a larger audience and boost your sales. However, there are some disadvantages to consider before you start using this online marketplace.


Selling your handmade items on eBay can be a great way to make some extra money and get your products in front of a larger audience. However, there are also some disadvantages to selling on eBay that you should be aware of before getting started.


  1. It gives you access to a much larger audience than you would have if you were selling through your own website or at craft fairs.
  2. Listing your items on the site can help you reach potential customers from all over the globe.
  3. It is relatively easy to set up an account and start listing your products. You can create detailed listings with photos and descriptions.
  4. There are a number of tools and resources available to help you optimize your listings and make the most of the site.


  1. There are fees associated with selling on the site. eBay charges listing fees as well as final value fees, which are a percentage of the total sale price, so you will need to factor these into your prices.
  2. eBay is a very competitive marketplace, so you will need to make sure your listings are well-optimized and your products are priced competitively in order to attract buyers.
  3. There is always the potential for fraud when selling online, so you will need to be vigilant about protecting yourself and your customers.

Overall, selling on eBay can be a great way to reach a larger audience and make some extra money. However, there are also some disadvantages to be aware of before getting started.


Selling handmade items on iCraft has both advantages and disadvantages.On the one hand, it's a great way to monetize your hobby and potentially make a significant profit. On the other hand, it takes a lot of time and effort to list and promote your items, and there's no guarantee that anyone will actually buy them.


  1. The biggest advantage of selling on iCraft is the potential to reach a global audience of buyers.
  2. It's easy to list and promote your items.
  3. You can also set your own prices, which gives you a lot of flexibility.


  1. It can be very time-consuming to list and promote your items.
  2. There's no guarantee that anyone will actually buy your items – even if they're well-made and reasonably priced.
  3. iCraft takes a percentage of each sale, so you'll need to factor that into your pricing.

Overall, selling handmade items on iCraft can be a great way to make some extra money, but it's not without its drawbacks. If you're considering selling on iCraft, be sure to weigh the pros and cons carefully before making your decision.


Zibbet works in the same way as Etsy does. You set up an online store on their website to sell your crafts. There are three main shop choices available on Zibbet.

The Starter plan costs $5 per month ($4 per month if invoiced annually), has no listing or transaction fees, and allows you to sell up to fifty goods each month. With this package, you may post four images per item.

The Pro Plan from Zibbet costs $10 per month ($8 if invoiced annually). This plan includes no listing or transaction fees, the ability to sell an unlimited number of products, and the ability to post up to eight images per item.


  1. It can be a great way to reach a larger audience for your products than you might otherwise be able to reach.
  2. . Selling on Zibbet can help you to build up a good reputation as a reliable and trustworthy seller, which can in turn lead to more sales down the line.


  1. You will likely have to compete with a large number of other sellers, which can make it difficult to stand out from the crowd.
  2. Zibbet takes a cut of every sale that is made, you will likely end up earning less per sale than you would if you were selling through your own website or another platform.

Whether or not selling handmade items on Zibbet is a good idea for you will depend on your own individual circumstances. If you are confident in your ability to stand out from the competition and are okay with making less per sale, then selling on Zibbet could be a great option for you. However, if you are not confident in your ability to compete or are looking to maximize your earnings, then another platform might be a better fit.

When choosing an online platform to sell your diy products, you need to think of the costs, fore and foremost. But regardless of them, these platforms are a great way to sell your products online, especially when you are starting out. So whether you are listing on one or on all of them, it might help your business pick up. But don’t forget to work on other platforms such as social media to grow your audience.

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